One Movie, Many Formats

We got this note “I was just wondering, what do you all think about adding a column for”rentals”? … So often, I will look for rentals of a particular star and click on every title that has an “X” in the “buy” column and have to scroll down to see if it is for rent. If there was a separate column for rentals, I wouldn’t have to waste all that time…”

So, we went one better, and we changed the column structure. We now track 4 things:

V – VHS for Sale
D – DVD for Sale
R – DVD Rental
O – Video on Demand

From the performer’s filmography, you can now look at the buy column and tell at-a-glance which formats your title is available.

You can see it in action by visiting a performer page, like, say, Jenna Jameson’s.

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