Sign o’ the Times

Due to some requests from our astrologically inclined fans, we’ve now added astrological signs for the stars on their bio pages. We’ve also collected this info on their own pages as well. On a related note, we’ve added links back to the birthday calendar for those stars who have a birthday listed, so you can see who shares their birthday.

No Day like Today (redux)…

Adult DVD Today has made some generous coupon offers available exclusively to IAFD visitors, offering between 11.5 and 13.5% off all titles, based on volume. (Your best deal is the $27 off $200 coupon). Adult DVD Today is based in Hawaii, time differences can work to your advantages — it’s “today” there longer — folks on the east coast can order at like 9:00 at night, and still be considered “today” for shipping purposes. Reports have shipping via priority mail taking around 3 days. Aloha!