As the premier resource for information about the American porn community on the web, the internet adult film database catalogs hundreds of thousands of pornstars and porn movie titles alike. We here at IAFD are constantly striving to provide our users with the most complete information available on all your favorite pornstars. As such, we decided to go straight to the stars themselves to find out a little more about them….. things they like, dislike, favorites, hobbies, etc. in a little segment we call “Just The Facts, Ma’am”.
In this installment, we feature mega star Maddy O’Reilly
Name: Maddy O’Reilly
Date of Birth: May 3, 1990
Place of Birth: North Carolina
Height: 5’7
Weight: 135 lbs
Measurements: Unsure now because of the booty :)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Tattoos: A cross on finger, “faith” on my rib cage, a dragonfly on my hip, and “fuck u” in my mouth :)
Social Media Address(s): Twitter- @maddyoreillyxxx Instagram- MaddyOreilly
Amazon Wish List: Donate to the Humane Society instead!
1st Scene:Â A boy/girl with Leo Rider
Most Memorable Scene To Date: Either my Nacho Vidal scene (Babysitter Diaries 8) or the last scene I shot with Rocco and Riley Reid (Rocco’s Coming in America).
Favorite Position(s): Lazy doggy (me flat on stomach w/ my legs pressed together)
Turn Ons: Good cologne, a nice chest, guys who will let me tongue their asses
Turn Offs: Bad hygiene and poor manners
Favorite Food(s): Mexican
Favorite Movie(s): The Losers
Favorite TV Show(s): Big Bang Theory, Bob’s Burgers, Jeopardy, & Wild Boyz
Favorite Book(s): Another Way to Dance and Where the Sidewalk Ends
Favorite Music Genre(s): Everything! (well, minus country)
Pet(s): Two dogs
Pastimes or Hobbies: Reading, interior design, and anything with the pups
Post Porn Aspirations: I plan to always stay affiliated with the industry in some way :)