Excalibur is back in the DVD Price Search, replacing Bid4DVDs.
Category: News
Spent a morning last week playing around with a Mozilla search plug in. Mozilla users can grab it from here: http://www.iafd.com/mozilla.asp. It will install into your Mozilla search bar. For those of you unfamilar with the search bar (I’m looking at you, Blackie), here’s some info from the head lizards. So, one can add additional search engines to Mozilla; so we wrote one for our database. The thing I like about it is it searches the titles and performer names together, so it’s a bit more IMDb like in that way. As always, let us know if you like it.
Smash and Elegant
Movies By Mail is having a big sale on Elegant Angel movies — 35% off across the board, and 25% off all Smash Pictures product too.
Happy Easter
The Easter Bunny brought an update of over 300 movies, bringing us up to 49,757 movies and 37.585 performers.
New Searches
We’re beta-testing some new searches. You can catch a glimpse of them here: Advanced Search Page Please let us know if you find them useful.