I’m heading out to see Sharon Jones and the DAP Kings perform tonight, so no long review, and I”ll be at the mercy of my memory as we talk about Andrew Blake’s genre-busting entrance onto the scene: Night Trips.
There might not have ever been a filmmaker so divisive as Andrew Blake.  His work was as beautiful as a perfume commercial, and arguably, just as sexy.  For those people who were watchign Buttman and memorizing every frame, Blake was the polar opposite.  Nary a handheld camera in sight, shooting on 35mm film instead of cheap video, Blake came in and brought “class” with him.  Whether or not this was a good thing  (tm) fueled more internet debates than I care to count.
I recall sitting in my dorm in college when the trailer for Night Trips blipped across the screen.  My roommate and I put down our controller and took our eyes off of Ninja Gaiden for a second  (Original NES, baby!)  and stared awestruck at the trailer.  It was all MTV flash-cuts and hypnotic music and it was cut together as a true teaser trailer — not letting much get revealed other than it starred our current crush, Tori Welles.
Once we were able to get our hands on it, we were fans. Â It was like someone was making an effort after so much gonzo, and Goddamn, Tori looked great.
The plot, as it were, has Tori going to sleep clinic to solve her constant plague of dirty dreams. Â Randy Spears and Porsche Lynn are the doctors and they hook her up to a machine that projects those dreams onto a TV. Â So, we get to see some vignettes of her dirty dreams. Â The vignettes are intercut with her playing with herself.
Best scene has her fucking Peter North and ending with an absolutely spectacular facial.
This is one is for the girlfriends, not the frat house. :-)